Make a Lasting Impression with These 6 Home Staging Tips

Make a Lasting Impression with These 6 Home Staging Tips

  • John O’Neill
  • 01/30/23

Selling your home—or any property—is all about presentation: how can you leverage the qualities of your home to attract buyers? When it comes to Pine Ridge Estates real estate, staging is among the most important ways your property can gain favor among potential buyers. A well-staged property will make buyers fall in love and will ensure that you get the most money out of your sale. Staging your home can lead to both a higher selling price and a faster selling process. Here are six critical staging tips to follow to make sure your house is irresistible!

1. Invest in a deep clean

There’s hardly anything more off-putting for potential buyers than a messy property. The cleanliness of a home sets the tone and dictates the atmosphere, and it is critical in creating an attractive presentation when selling your home. You can tackle a big cleaning event as a DIY weekend project, or you might consider hiring someone to take care of it for you. Either way, the cleanliness (or lack thereof) will be the first thing that people notice when they walk into a home for a tour. Deep cleaning your walls, floors, carpets, and other household surfaces will make them look sparkling new and give your home a refreshing atmosphere. You might also consider a fresh coat of paint for your walls if you find it necessary. New, clean paint can breathe life back into a room and make it feel like a completely different space.

2. Highlight your rooms with furniture

Beyond cleanliness, the furniture you display in your home will dictate the atmosphere in your home for potential buyers. Furniture is the key ingredient that turns a house into a home, and staging your property with the right furniture—and the right amount of furniture—will make buyers see your property as somewhere they can really live.

Be wary of over-furnishing your property, as clutter can certainly turn off potential buyers. When staging each room, consider its primary use or feature, and build the room around that. This will help people envision themselves in each space and fall in love with your home. 82% of agents report that staging made it easier for a buyer to see themselves living in a certain home. Make sure each room is easily traversable and has ample open space for future residents to envision their own personal touches.

3. Make use of your home’s unique characteristics

Every home has some unique qualities that make them special: the architecture of the building, beautiful hardwood flooring, or perhaps a statement kitchen or grand fireplace. When staging your home, make sure to consider the qualities of your home that will be attractive to buyers—your selling points—and think about how your staging can complement those features. If you want to accentuate a fireplace, you might consider framing it between two parallel sofas, for example. Highlighting these features will make a tour through your home a memorable experience for anyone.

4. Don’t be afraid to experiment

When planning the staging in your home, actually seeing the furniture in place can be vastly different from just imagining it. Seeing a variety of staging layouts in each room will be a boon in developing the perfect atmosphere for your home. When you’re preparing for something as important as selling a property, you want to make sure you take care of all the details that can help create a more attractive image of your home. Don’t be afraid to move things around multiple times to see exactly how the room looks and feels with different staging options. You will likely have to try a few different layouts before you land on one that you’re confident is best.

5. Consult with a professional

While it is certainly possible to stage your property on your own, professionals will make the process significantly less stressful and time-consuming, and you’ll end up with a better end product too. Selling a home is always a team effort, and you will almost always need outside help to make the process go smoothly. Professionals have a close-up experience with staging methods that attract buyers and sell homes, and if you are busy with work or family responsibilities, you’ll want to recruit the help of a professional to take care of the details for you.

Especially in the modern real estate market, having professional photos for your online listings are a necessity for anyone looking to sell their home. The difference between photos taken by a professional with a professional camera and photos taken by an amateur with a smartphone camera is astronomical, and you will certainly fail to gain as much interest in your home with the latter.

6. Consider making renovations

This advice is situational and will depend on the quality of your home and your timeline for moving, but making renovations on your home—either small or comprehensive—can make a sizable difference in the final sale price of your home and the time it takes to sell. Many buyers prefer a finished, move-in-ready home over a fixer-upper or a weekend warrior project home. Even minor renovations like a fresh coat of paint, new lighting fixtures, or a refinished floor can make a whole world of a difference when showing your home. If you have a bit of time and money to invest in your home before you sell it, you can likely earn your money back plus a little bit extra in the final sale price of your home.

Learn more about Pine Ridge Estates

Interested in learning more about the Pine Ridge Estates homes for sale and the real estate market in Naples, Florida? This coastal paradise, known for its pristine views and signature beachside Naples interior design, is one of the most attractive destinations along Florida’s western coast. Whether you’re looking to buy, sell, or just explore Pine Ridge and discover more of Naples, reach out to realty group O’Neill Residential to take the next steps in your journey.

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